Public Allies

Public Allies-San Antonio is an AmeriCorps program that engages adults and young adults ("Allies") in community service work to meet the critical needs of individuals and the community.

Working through non-profit organizations and public agencies, Allies fulfill assignments in the fields of education, public safety, health care, and environmental protection.

Our Mission

Public Allies is dedicated to advancing new leadership to strengthen communities, nonprofits, and civic participation. Public Allies is changing the face and practice of leadership in San Antonio communities by demonstrating that everyone can lead and that lasting social change results when citizens of all backgrounds step up, take responsibility, and work together.

About Us

Public Allies believes that changing times call for a new kind of leadership. Through the Public Allies/AmeriCorps program, Allies receive training and experience as leaders who are passionate about social change through collaboration with local non-profit organizations on community projects.

Allies change their own lives by impacting the community through a rigorous program that combines

  • full-time (42 hours per week) apprenticeships at nonprofits
  • intensive skill training
  • active community-building projects
  • personalized coaching
  • critical reflection

Alamo Colleges encourages citizens and past and current Alamo Colleges students to consider becoming an Ally to serve the community while developing leadership skills. To become an Ally, individuals must:

  • Commit to a 10-month term of service
  • Meet the Corporation for National and Community Service requirements
  • Be at least 17 years of age by the start date
  • Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national or lawful permanent resident alien of the U.S.
  • Have a high school diploma or GED
  • Have a complete application on file (either online and noted as such in file or a print copy)
  • Have satisfactorily completed a previous term of service, if there is one
  • Pass a National Service criminal history check
  • Meet non-profit agency minimum requirements
  • Not have earned the equivalent of 2 full Eli Segal Education Awards
  • Not have served more than four AmeriCorps State or National terms

Public Allies receive a number of additional benefits including:

  • Monthly living allowance ($1,500)
  • Monthly health care insurance ($200)
  • Eli Segal AmeriCorps Education Award upon service completion ($5,730)
  • College student loans Deferment
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Based on eligibility)
  • Housing (Based on eligibility)
  • Child care assistance (Based on eligibility)

Allies develop leadership skills through bi-weekly professional development sessions and work at a non-profit agency to improve the agency's capacity for sustainability. Bi-weekly professional development sessions cover a wide variety of relevant topics including:

Fundraising Techniques

Learn to organize fundraising events, solicit donors, write grants, and work with foundations.

Collective Impact

Learn to achieve a common agenda for solving complex social problems through place-based strategies and community engagement.

Facilitative Leadership

Acquire the skills to be an effective innovative facilitative leader for organizations and the community.

Conflict Resolution

Learn conceptualized methods and processes involved in facilitating peaceful conflict resolution.

Asset Based Community Development

Identify individual community member's roles and map and leverage community assets.

Cyber Etiquette & Social Media
Learn to maximize the benefits of social media while minimizing the risks of overexposure.

Budgeting 101

Learn to read and interpret non-profit budgets and financial statements.

Introduction to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective College Students

Learn to succeed by discovering your personal mission, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and teaming with others.

Branding & Marketing 

Learn to build a professional brand in the workplace and develop criteria to evaluate brand perception.

Diversity & Inclusion

Learn the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace to impact community achievement.

Ropes Course 

Engage in physical and mental activities that challenge you to think outside the box and leverage team support.


The majority of former Public Allies continue a career in non-profit and public sectors, and about 95% of alumni say they would participate again if they could.

Partnering Non-Profits (Past and Current)
AACOG - Alamo Area Council of Governments
Alamo Area Rape Crisis Center
Alamo Colleges District
American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions
Avenida Guadalupe Association
Baptist Child and Family Services
Basilica of the Little Flower
BCFS HHS DBA: Guadalupe Street Coffee
Bexar County, Community and Development Programs Dept
Big Brother Big Sisters of South Texas, Inc.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Texas
Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of San Antonio, Inc.
Child Advocates San Antonio
Children's Association for Maximum Potential (CAMP)
Christian Senior Services
City of San Antonio
Education Service Center, Region 20
El Centro del Barrio-CentroMed
Family Service Association of San Antonio, Inc
Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas
Goodwill Industries of San Antonio
Intercultural Development Research Association
Merced Housing Texas
Project Quest, Inc.
Respite Care of San Antonio
SA Youth
San Antonio Aids Foundation
San Antonio Housing Authority
San Antonio Public Library Foundation
San Antonio Sports
San Antonio Youth Centers
St. Peter-St. Joseph Children's Home
Stone Metal Press
United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County
Westside Development Corporation

Become a Partnering Non-Profit

Contact Us

Public Allies San Antonio AmeriCorps/Alamo Colleges District

Become an Ally


Steven Acton CTRS
Interim Program Director
Public Allies San Antonio
AmeriCorps/Alamo Colleges